Friday, July 11, 2008 sells at Sedo

In the Sedo domains sold section today I saw the following .ca sale: - $1,500 EUR (about $2,400 Cdn)

That's kind of cheeky, putting up a .ca domain for sale in Euros! Don't think I've seen that before.

Anyhow, cashloans is a nice loan term that might get some type-in traffic, and would be great to use to brand a loan business. I can easily see this domain being used in print, television, and radio, and it would look great on a business card.

This domain may not have been bought by an end user, but it's still a great one to hold. I think as website development gets easier, many of today's .ca domainers will become the end-users for many of their domains (even if they don't know it yet), either alone or in partnerships. The price for this domain also seems fair, if not slightly on the low side.


  1. I was wondering if you would be so kind as to alert other dot ca domainers about my auction going on at sitepoint marketplace i am auctioning off my website with my domain the bin has been set here is the link


  2. "That's kind of cheeky, putting up a .ca domain for sale in Euros! Don't think I've seen that before."


    Sometimes it's the Buyer who has made an offer in a different currency than the one the Seller listed.

    This happens to me often at Sedo

    Offers come in Euros instead of my requested US $.



Thank you!