Tuesday, August 29, 2017

NNNN.ca Rule in August 16 .ca TBR Drop Results


The August 16 .ca TBR drop returned a larger than usual number of domains.  A total of 144 .ca domains were grabbed in this drop.

What was notable about this drop was that there were many NNNN.ca from the 1900's that could be the birth year of people who are still alive.  They seemed to be a popular grab this week as many were taken early in the drop.  A domain such as 1986.ca could make a good vanity url or email for someone born in that year.

Other than the NNNN, the rest of the domains were a mixed bag of single word, two word and brandable type domains.

Some of the better names included:





1998.ca    ... you get the idea, see below for more NNNN








The full list of domains that were grabbed is below.  I've bolded some of the more interesting names on the list.  Thanks to Sibername for providing the data.

Domain Name Registrar
1 2017/08/16 14:00:00.002007 1975.ca DomainCentral.ca Inc
2 2017/08/16 14:00:00.002326 servpro.ca TheDomainNameStore.ca Inc.
3 2017/08/16 14:00:00.002402 969.ca 7809646 Canada Inc.
4 2017/08/16 14:00:00.003426 orpp.ca Sibername.com (1686780 Ontario Ltd.)
5 2017/08/16 14:00:00.003922 1987.ca Regnow.ca Inc.
6 2017/08/16 14:00:00.005706 1986.ca TARTON DOMAIN NAMES LTD
7 2017/08/16 14:00:00.007150 cnmag.ca SIBERNAME INTERNET AND SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGIES INC.
8 2017/08/16 14:00:00.007550 1989.ca 7809638 Canada Inc.
9 2017/08/16 14:00:00.010663 1974.ca Maindomain.ca Inc.
10 2017/08/16 14:00:00.014490 parkhillrealestate.ca 8433836 Canada Inc.
11 2017/08/16 14:00:00.018432 portailenvironnement.ca 8433828 Canada Inc.
12 2017/08/16 14:00:00.019189 mustache.ca Domains4U.ca Inc.
13 2017/08/16 14:00:00.019895 1983.ca ZippyDomains.ca Inc.
14 2017/08/16 14:00:00.020576 1973.ca Zidodomain.ca Inc.
15 2017/08/16 14:00:00.020916 1988.ca DOMAINIAC.CA INC
16 2017/08/16 14:00:00.030502 akita.ca 7705395 Canada Inc.
17 2017/08/16 14:00:00.031467 realestateservices.ca DomainPlaza.ca Inc.
18 2017/08/16 14:00:00.031692 facelift.ca 7705310 Canada Inc.
19 2017/08/16 14:00:00.033762 rafi.ca 7695829 Canada Inc.
20 2017/08/16 14:00:00.034283 1970.ca Jaz Domain Names Ltd.
21 2017/08/16 14:00:00.035130 1996.ca 8433771 Canada Inc.
22 2017/08/16 14:00:00.036525 perma.ca 8433801 Canada Inc.
23 2017/08/16 14:00:00.036586 1900.ca 7809620 Canada Inc.
24 2017/08/16 14:00:00.036649 mydeals.ca 7011725 Canada Inc.
25 2017/08/16 14:00:00.037180 1992.ca 8433780 Canada Inc.
26 2017/08/16 14:00:00.038557 digitalminds.ca 7010842 Canada Corporation
27 2017/08/16 14:00:00.042474 1990.ca 8433763 Canada Inc.
28 2017/08/16 14:00:00.044334 kaneffgolf.ca Sibername.com (1686778 Ontario Ltd.)
29 2017/08/16 14:00:00.045211 transport2000.ca 7809654 Canada Inc.
30 2017/08/16 14:00:00.045900 janitorialjobs.ca Creative Pixels Inc.
31 2017/08/16 14:00:00.046050 checkyourcredit.ca 7695748 Canada Inc.
32 2017/08/16 14:00:00.048103 1985.ca LuckyDomains.ca Inc.
33 2017/08/16 14:00:00.048977 thoroldnews.ca Sibername.com (1770821 Ontario Corp. o/a domainecanada.ca)
34 2017/08/16 14:00:00.060146 cordbank.ca HEXONET Services Inc.
35 2017/08/16 14:00:00.073740 trottierenergyfutures.ca Sibername.com (1716640 Ontario Inc.)
36 2017/08/16 14:00:00.097093 walkingtours.ca rapidregister.ca (David A McFadden)
37 2017/08/16 14:00:00.121606 cooperatorstravelinsurance.ca MyReg.ca (Tom Brown)
38 2017/08/16 14:00:00.122172 kaneff.ca Namespro Solutions Inc.
39 2017/08/16 14:00:00.157557 wellwise.ca Webnames.ca Inc.
40 2017/08/16 14:00:00.491911 xsgear.ca DOMAINS2BE.COM INC.
41 2017/08/16 14:00:00.563161 1998.ca DOMAINMARKETPLACE.CA INC
42 2017/08/16 14:00:01.703024 applyatapega.ca Sibername.com (1770819 Ontario Corp. o/a DomainNameRegistration.ca)
43 2017/08/16 14:00:04.923159 selfdrive.ca CA Registry (Ed Hew)
44 2017/08/16 14:00:05.004409 fasdconnections.ca Regnow.ca Inc.
45 2017/08/16 14:00:05.007669 kimathomas.ca Sibername.com (1686780 Ontario Ltd.)
46 2017/08/16 14:00:05.011497 printingsupplies.ca SIBERNAME INTERNET AND SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGIES INC.
47 2017/08/16 14:00:05.051421 cindylou.ca Sibername.com (1770821 Ontario Corp. o/a domainecanada.ca)
48 2017/08/16 14:00:05.076783 dinero.ca Sibername.com (1716640 Ontario Inc.)
49 2017/08/16 14:00:05.215123 rootiemagoos.ca rapidregister.ca (David A McFadden)
50 2017/08/16 14:00:05.226847 canadatour.ca 7705310 Canada Inc.
51 2017/08/16 14:00:05.229389 ranchogrill.ca 7809646 Canada Inc.
52 2017/08/16 14:00:05.255507 montrealmenu.ca 7809638 Canada Inc.
53 2017/08/16 14:00:05.264477 bittorrent.ca 8433836 Canada Inc.
54 2017/08/16 14:00:05.286017 paymentsystemreview.ca 7695829 Canada Inc.
55 2017/08/16 14:00:05.341255 caline.ca Webnames.ca Inc.
56 2017/08/16 14:00:05.359470 wordpresshosting.ca 7809620 Canada Inc.
57 2017/08/16 14:00:05.737282 weddingsinwinnipeg.ca 0756868 B.C. LTD.
58 2017/08/16 14:00:05.803405 jaser.ca Sibername.com (1686778 Ontario Ltd.)
59 2017/08/16 14:00:06.200834 newsreport.ca 0756870 B.C. LTD.
60 2017/08/16 14:00:06.234528 drywaller.ca 7695799 Canada Inc.
61 2017/08/16 14:00:06.259884 visitingcanada.ca Sibername.com (1716639 Ontario Inc.)
62 2017/08/16 14:00:06.321352 rattlesnake.ca 7809689 Canada Inc.
63 2017/08/16 14:00:06.401691 hangloose.ca Sibername.com (1686779 Ontario Ltd.)
64 2017/08/16 14:00:06.519543 teenclub.ca BareMetal.com inc
65 2017/08/16 14:00:06.519589 ilovesoccer.ca Sibername.com (1716641 Ontario Inc.)
66 2017/08/16 14:00:06.550147 offtherack.ca Sibername.com (Bulent Turkoglu o/a domain-name.ca)
67 2017/08/16 14:00:06.675594 finekitchen.ca Koallo Inc
68 2017/08/16 14:00:06.851155 createinspiredsolutions.ca easyDNS Technologies Inc.
69 2017/08/16 14:00:09.976753 advances.ca CA Registry (Ed Hew)
70 2017/08/16 14:00:10.017310 amgold.ca 0756822 B.C. LTD.
71 2017/08/16 14:00:10.347948 wptemplates.ca rapidregister.ca (David A McFadden)
72 2017/08/16 14:00:10.481898 breastenlargements.ca 7705310 Canada Inc.
73 2017/08/16 14:00:10.545819 breastenhancements.ca 7809646 Canada Inc.
74 2017/08/16 14:00:10.546988 mycreditcards.ca 8433836 Canada Inc.
75 2017/08/16 14:00:10.547272 auctioncanada.ca 7809638 Canada Inc.
76 2017/08/16 14:00:10.548431 calgarycosmeticsurgery.ca 8433828 Canada Inc.
77 2017/08/16 14:00:10.564521 attorneyonline.ca 7695829 Canada Inc.
78 2017/08/16 14:00:10.920288 edmontonlandscaper.ca 7705395 Canada Inc.
79 2017/08/16 14:00:10.931508 careonline.ca 8433771 Canada Inc.
80 2017/08/16 14:00:11.029072 jenx.ca dot-ca-registry.ca (Burmac Business Systems Ltd)
81 2017/08/16 14:00:11.029643 naturaldesign.ca 8433780 Canada Inc.
82 2017/08/16 14:00:11.030607 oceanbreeze.ca 8433801 Canada Inc.
83 2017/08/16 14:00:11.112820 blacksmoke.ca 7809620 Canada Inc.
84 2017/08/16 14:00:11.122825 insurancetoronto.ca 7010842 Canada Corporation
85 2017/08/16 14:00:11.240642 greentalk.ca 7011725 Canada Inc.
86 2017/08/16 14:00:11.251750 1963.ca 7695799 Canada Inc.
87 2017/08/16 14:00:11.261752 funz.ca Sibername.com (1716639 Ontario Inc.)
88 2017/08/16 14:00:11.261985 coldlasertherapy.ca 7809654 Canada Inc.
89 2017/08/16 14:00:11.324937 torontosmile.ca 8433763 Canada Inc.
90 2017/08/16 14:00:11.329763 vancouverpainters.ca 7695748 Canada Inc.
91 2017/08/16 14:00:11.390208 onlineattorneys.ca 7809689 Canada Inc.
92 2017/08/16 14:00:11.410493 chinimplants.ca 7809662 Canada Inc.
93 2017/08/16 14:00:11.445278 volweb.ca Creative Pixels Inc.
94 2017/08/16 14:00:12.055461 chantelle.ca Koallo Inc
95 2017/08/16 14:00:15.553633 ventra.ca rapidregister.ca (David A McFadden)
96 2017/08/16 14:00:15.659803 eyelifts.ca 7705310 Canada Inc.
97 2017/08/16 14:00:15.751577 ontariocarinsurance.ca 7695829 Canada Inc.
98 2017/08/16 14:00:16.427796 doctorsvancouver.ca 7705395 Canada Inc.
99 2017/08/16 14:00:16.809219 injurycanada.ca 7010842 Canada Corporation
100 2017/08/16 14:00:17.197909 calgarycasinos.ca 7011725 Canada Inc.
101 2017/08/16 14:00:17.204640 bizarro.ca 7695799 Canada Inc.
102 2017/08/16 14:00:17.222089 edmontoncosmeticsurgery.ca MyID.ca INC.
103 2017/08/16 14:00:17.280841 hairpiece.ca Creative Pixels Inc.
104 2017/08/16 14:00:20.081507 livingchurch.ca CA Registry (Ed Hew)
105 2017/08/16 14:00:20.740600 hairlove.ca rapidregister.ca (David A McFadden)
106 2017/08/16 14:00:21.765250 voltara.ca dot-ca-registry.ca (Burmac Business Systems Ltd)
107 2017/08/16 14:00:21.795919 couloir.ca Canadian Domain Name Services Inc.
108 2017/08/16 14:00:25.129548 wingit.ca CA Registry (Ed Hew)
109 2017/08/16 14:00:25.855644 cannamall.ca rapidregister.ca (David A McFadden)
110 2017/08/16 14:00:26.810893 seaborne.ca dot-ca-registry.ca (Burmac Business Systems Ltd)
111 2017/08/16 14:00:30.164626 springoflife.ca CA Registry (Ed Hew)
112 2017/08/16 14:00:31.178539 waxseals.ca rapidregister.ca (David A McFadden)
113 2017/08/16 14:00:31.178749 myrtle.ca Webnames.ca Inc.
114 2017/08/16 14:00:31.854951 casinolive.ca dot-ca-registry.ca (Burmac Business Systems Ltd)
115 2017/08/16 14:00:35.194532 carcentral.ca CA Registry (Ed Hew)
116 2017/08/16 14:00:36.320443 violets.ca rapidregister.ca (David A McFadden)
117 2017/08/16 14:00:36.903982 wirelesspay.ca dot-ca-registry.ca (Burmac Business Systems Ltd)
118 2017/08/16 14:00:40.258075 royalcastle.ca CA Registry (Ed Hew)
119 2017/08/16 14:00:41.420634 testori.ca rapidregister.ca (David A McFadden)
120 2017/08/16 14:00:41.950003 vandals.ca dot-ca-registry.ca (Burmac Business Systems Ltd)
121 2017/08/16 14:00:46.564865 pureisland.ca rapidregister.ca (David A McFadden)
122 2017/08/16 14:00:46.996714 types.ca dot-ca-registry.ca (Burmac Business Systems Ltd)
123 2017/08/16 14:00:48.381035 cobbswansonmusic.ca Namespro Solutions Inc.
124 2017/08/16 14:00:50.329569 makeamove.ca CA Registry (Ed Hew)
125 2017/08/16 14:00:51.695443 bitwallet.ca rapidregister.ca (David A McFadden)
126 2017/08/16 14:00:52.049650 greentaxis.ca dot-ca-registry.ca (Burmac Business Systems Ltd)
127 2017/08/16 14:00:55.710620 revo.ca CA Registry (Ed Hew)
128 2017/08/16 14:00:58.748819 sareview.ca Namespro Solutions Inc.
129 2017/08/16 14:01:09.162292 cmqa.ca Namespro Solutions Inc.
130 2017/08/16 14:01:14.382827 chambersconstruction.ca Namespro Solutions Inc.
131 2017/08/16 14:01:19.585383 poornomore.ca Namespro Solutions Inc.
132 2017/08/16 14:01:25.742603 panicattacks.ca CA Registry (Ed Hew)
133 2017/08/16 14:01:40.383188 luxlounge.ca Namespro Solutions Inc.
134 2017/08/16 14:01:45.560908 forthefirstime.ca Namespro Solutions Inc.
135 2017/08/16 14:01:50.784396 makam.ca Namespro Solutions Inc.
136 2017/08/16 14:01:55.960048 accessdiving.ca Namespro Solutions Inc.
137 2017/08/16 14:02:16.758345 parkingspace.ca Namespro Solutions Inc.
138 2017/08/16 14:02:21.982541 burrell.ca Namespro Solutions Inc.
139 2017/08/16 14:02:37.559277 sioux.ca Namespro Solutions Inc.
140 2017/08/16 14:02:47.957044 steamcleaning.ca Namespro Solutions Inc.
141 2017/08/16 14:02:53.181668 dressing.ca Namespro Solutions Inc.
142 2017/08/16 14:03:24.383979 uranus.ca Namespro Solutions Inc.
143 2017/08/16 14:03:29.562650 carflags.ca Namespro Solutions Inc.
144 2017/08/16 14:03:34.783235 ciculaire.ca Namespro Solutions Inc.